Gene expression differences associated with alcohol use disorder in human brain Molecular Psychiatry

is alcohol a genetic disease

Biological factors such as metabolism, how your brain and body process reward, and how alcohol affects you personally can all influence drinking patterns and potential issues with alcohol. Many of the existing genetic experiments examining substance abuse and addiction involve mice, which are bred to be good analogues of human genetics. However, there are few long-term studies that have conclusively linked specific genetic traits to humans who struggle with AUD. It is pretty well understood that high-stress environments and trauma are linked to alcohol use disorder, so appropriate therapy to manage these mental and behavioral conditions is extremely important. Scientists have learned through studies of identical and non-identical twins that alcohol use disorder is heritable, with genetic factors accounting for about half of the risk of alcohol dependence. Part of the challenge has been to gather a study that is large enough to detect a genetic signal, said Palmer.

Nebula Genomics DNA Report for Alcoholism

In 2020, one estimate suggested that as many as 18 million adults in the country struggle with alcohol addiction. Research on addiction science, prevention, and treatment are a large focus of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which provides funding to support research. This paper identified risk loci (positions in the chromosome), in 2019, with shared effects on alcoholism, heroin, and methamphetamine dependence. Studies about the relationship between alcoholism and genetics go back over 80 years. Today, we have made tremendous progress learning that there is no “alcoholism gene” but genetic markers that accentuate dependence.

  • ADH5 encodes χ-ADH, a ubiquitously expressed formaldehyde dehydrogenase with very low affinity for ethanol.
  • Elvin Morton Jellinek, who worked for the World Health Organization (WHO), gained worldwide acceptance in 1951 with his view, inspired by his work with Alcoholics Anonymous, that the condition was a disease.
  • The impact of genes on behavior like alcohol use or even sexual orientation has long been the subject of scientific debate.

ALDH Genes and Their Polymorphisms

Treatment for AUD often involves counseling, support groups, and sometimes medication to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Alcoholism is a chronic condition in which a person is unable to control their level of drinking, especially when it starts to noticeably and negatively impact their life. It involves both physical and psychological dependence and is a condition that generally gets worse over time if not addressed through alcohol addiction treatment. Some people with alcohol use disorder may experience other health effects but may not have enough liver damage to cause cirrhosis. There’s also evidence that undergoing bariatric surgery can increase your risk of developing cirrhosis because your gastrointestinal tract doesn’t absorb enough vitamins and other substances from your food. “In fact, using this questionnaire in a population not ascertained for alcohol use disorders we have been able to achieve the largest sample size even obtained in the field of alcohol use disorders,” said Sanchez Roige.

is alcohol a genetic disease

Impact on your health

  • Genetics may play a role in alcohol use disorder (AUD), but other factors might also contribute to the development of this condition.
  • Many people with alcohol use disorder hesitate to get treatment because they don’t recognize that they have a problem.
  • Even just looking at alcohol alone there is a vast health cost, with more than 3.3 million people worldwide die each year from excessive alcohol use, according to the World Health Organization.

Those who have mental illnesses, especially anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are very likely to struggle with co-occurring alcohol use disorder. Women are at risk of developing AUD faster than men due to differences in body mass, hormones, and metabolism. Research currently suggests that the genetic component tends to explain only about half of the risk. They believe the other half is influenced by environmental factors and interpersonal factors (e.g., cultural attitudes, availability, expectations about the effects of alcohol on mood and behavior, personal experiences with the substance, and stress). As a consequence of long-term alcoholism, psychotic substance use disorders also occur, which were not present before. In addition, people may strongly narrow their interests to addiction while neglecting previous activities, as well as personal hygiene and care.

is alcohol a genetic disease

is alcohol a genetic disease

What this indicates is is alcoholism inherited that your family history can heavily influence your propensity for alcoholism. Children of parents with alcohol use disorder are four times more likely to develop the condition themselves. They include health problems like liver disease, cardiovascular issues, mental health disorders like Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, and socio-economic difficulties.

Alcoholism Risk Factors and the Evolution of the Research

In the study of complex disorders, it has become apparent that quitelarge sample sizes are critical if robust association results are to beidentified which replicate across studies. Unfortunately, studies of alcoholdependence have not yet attained these sample sizes. Meta-analyses, whichcombine results across a number of studies in order to attain the criticalsample sizes needed, are being developed.

GWAS of AUD and related traits

is alcohol a genetic disease

Rather, in AUD, only about fifty percent of the risk appears to be attributed to our genes. This is relatively small in comparison to schizophrenia, where genetics can explain eighty percent of the disease predisposition. Therefore, as research progresses, consideration must still be made for the environment—the “nurture”—that individuals were raised and live in. We need to spend more time in gene discovery before bringing it into patient care,” Zhou said. While the D2 dopamine receptor gene did not have the effect expected on alcoholism, the study contributed to moving forward genetic research.

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